Shadowrun: The Missing Tables

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Having watched my SR3 book disintegrate from repeated usage, I had to wonder, �Isn�t there a better way?� 

The intent of this document is NOT to replace the Shadowrun Player books but rather to enhance game play.  Wherever possible, the tables from the Game Master charts were not included.

Mission Statement: If I make the game easier to play, perhaps more people will play it�. Enhancing the game, the company, and the players.  Simple enough.

Shadowrun is a Registered Trademark of Wizkids. Original Shadowrun material Copyright 1989-2000 by FASA Corporation, and 2001 by Wizkids. All Rights Reserved. Used without permission. Any use of FASA Corporation's or Wizkids copyrighted material or trademarks in this document should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. Widkids does not support this document or its contents, so anything found here should be considered unofficial, unless stated otherwise.

Tests pg 29

Success Test  Willpower(5) means: Roll Willpower dice using TN5
Opposed Test  (Skill or Attr) vs (opponents Skill or ATTR), both roll, whoever gets more successes wins.
Success Test  It�s two opposing Success Tests BUT characters often use different ATTR or Skills
Open Test  No Target Number.  Roll # of dice equal to Skill or ATTR using Roll of 6.  Keep just the highest single die.

Dice Pool Calculation Table pg 63

Pool Formula
Combat (INT+QCK+WIL) / 2,rounded down
Spell (INT+WIL+MAG) / 3, rounded down
Hacking (INT+MPCP) / 3, rounded down
Control Reaction + (VCR x 2)
Astral Combat (INT+WIL+CHR) / 2, rounded down

Actions pg 105-108

Free Simple (2) Complex (1)
Activate Cyberware Activate Focus Astral Projection
Call a Shot Call Nature Spirit Banish Spirit
Change Smartgun Fire Mode Change Position Call Elemental
Deactivate Focus Command a Spirit Cast Spell
Delay Action Fire Weapon Control Spirit
Drop Object Insert Clip Erase Astral Signature
Drop Prone Observe in Detail Fire Automatic Weapon
Drop Sustain Spell Pick up/Put Down Object Fire Mounted or Vehicle Weapon
Gesture Quick Draw Melee / Unarmed Attack
Observe Ready Weapon Reload Firearm
Speak a word Remove Clip Summon Nature Spirit
Spell Defense Shift Perception Use Complex Object
Take Aim Use Skill
Throw Weapon
Use Simple Object


Difficulty Table pg 92

Difficulty Target Number
Simple 2
Routine 3
Average 4
Challenging 5
Difficult 6-7
Strenuous 8
Extreme 9
Nearly Impossible 10+


2D6 - 6 = #Racism Points  then roll on  table number of times
Roll on table below # number of times and record
ie.  Racism(Orks) + 3
Result Racial Bias
0 or less None
1 All, except own race
2 Humans
3 Elves
4 Dwarfs
5 Orks
6 Trolls

Social Modifiers Table pg 94

Social Situation Target Number Mod
With respect to the character, the NPC is:  
  Friendly -2
  Neutral +0
  Hostile +4
  An enemy +6
  Suspicious +2
Player's desired result is:  
  Advantageous to NPC -2
  Of no value to NPC +0
  Annoying to NPC +2
  Harmful to NPC +4
  Disastrorous to NPC +6
Interogration/Intimidation Open Test Conditions  
Aggressor's CHR Rating is 5-6 +1
Aggressor's CHR Rating is 7 or higher +2
Control Thoughts/Emotions Spell cast on target by aggressor (or teammate) +1 per success
Aggressor is larger/taller than target +1
Aggressor has more than twice the target's STR +2
Aggressors outnumbers target +2
Aggressor is wearing visible cyberware, armor, or weapons +1 or more
Aggressor performs visible magic or superhuman feat +2
Target's death is imminent (ie gun to head) +2
Aggressor has personal item/secret from target +(GM's option)
Target is physically tortured +(GM's option)
Aggressor has street reputation -Karma Pool
Target has Professional Rating -Rating
Target has "ace in the hole" -2
Target is oblivious to danger -2
Target is intoxicated -1
Target doesn't thing aggressor "would do something so stupid" -1
Target has superhuman advantages Negative bonuses(+'s)
Target's CHR Rating is 5-6 -1
Target's CHR Rating is 7 or higher -2

Build / Repair Table pg 95

Situation Target Number
Working Conditions
  Bad +2
  Terrible +4
  Superior -1
Tools are:  
  Unavailable Usually not allowed
  Inadequate +2
Reference Material available 0
Working from memory +(5-INT)

Knowledge Skill Table pg 96

Situation Target Number
Character is seeking:
  General knowledge 3
  Detailed Knowledge 5
  Intricate Knowledge 8
  Obscure Knowledge 12
Number of Successes Result
1 General knowledge, no details
2 Detailed knowledge, with minor inaccuracies
3 Detailed information with some minor points obscure or missing
4 Detailed and accurate information

Language Skill Table pg 97

Situation Target Number
Universal Concept (hunger, fear,etc) 2
Basic Conversation (concerns of daily life) 4
Complex Subject (special/limited interest) 6
Intricate Subject (almost any technical subject) 9
Obscure Subject (deeply technical/rare) 11
Speaking lingo (or variation of particular lang) +2 to above numbers


Movement pg108

Running: +4 TN# to any tests while running (+6 over difficult ground)

Within 1m, free melee attack with readied weapon

Attacker TN 4 plus mods / Defender in Full Defense

Surprise pg108

Cannot use combat pool

To resolve, all participants make Reaction test against TN 4

     Characters in ambush using delayed actions receive �2 mod

     More successes -> can take actions against that opponent

Armor pg 285

+2TN for non-abusive Social Skills if spotted armor
For every 2 points of Ballistic or Impact armor greater than QCK, removes 1 die from Combat Pool
Layered Armor (applies to both ballistic and impact)
   highest ballistic armor + (next highest rating of armor/2) = total
   MOD# = added Ballistic armor - QCK, if > 0 
   QCK tests = +MOD#, Movement = QCK -MOD#

Ammunition pg116

APDS halves (round down) Ballistic or Barrier rating (not AV)
Tracer only FA, every 3 rounds, -1 mod beyond Short (cummlative), does not increase damage
Explosive Increase Power Rating +1, misfire on 1, against barriers, double Barrier rating but apply � normal Barrier rating damage
EX Explosive increase Power Rating +2, see above
Flechette against unarmored, increases Damage code by 1 level, / Against armored: Ballistic/double Impact armor (whichever higher) /  Double Barrier Rating or vehicle armor, Dermal armor negates the Damage code increase
Gel  Power rating �2, same Damage Level except its Stun.  Knockdown tests = Power of the attack

  Grenade Range Table pg 119

Type Short (4) Medium (5) Long (8) Extreme (9) Scatter Reduction
Standard 0-STR x 3 To STR x 5 To STR x 10 To STR x 20 1D6 Meters -2 m/success
Aerodynamic 0-STR x 3 To STR x 5 To STR x 20 To STR x 30 2D6 meters -4 m/success
Grenade Launcher  5 - 50 51 - 100 101 - 150 151 - 300 3E6 meters -4 m/success

Rocket / Missile Table  (Skill: Launch Weapons) pg 120

Reduction: -1 m /success
INT Rating of Missile D6 + Skill D6 + CP = # successes vs TN#
Against vehicle TN# = Vech. Sig. Rating
+2 TN urban environment
Type Damage Code Power Level Reduction Scatter
HER/HEM 16D -1/m 2D6 m
APR/APM 16D -1/half m 2D6 m
AVR/AVM 16D -8/m 2D6 m

Shotgun Example pg 117

-1 TN # -2 TN #
GUN 3 meters 6 meters 9 meters
-1 Power -2 Power
Example: Choke = 3

Melee pg 122

Full Defense pg 123
NO damage is dealt even if defender wins on #successes
No CP for Combat Skill test
Def # > Attacker # then attack is BLOCKED
Defender makes dodge test vs 4 + melee mods
If Dodge test successes > attackers net success = Clean Miss
Otherwise apply attacker successes - defender successes  and determine damage

Melee Weapons Table pg 122

Edged Weapons Reach Damage
Forearm Snap Blades 0 (STR)M
Katana 1 (STR+3)M
Knife 0 (STR)L
Survival Knife 0 (STR+2)L
Sword 1 (STR+2)M
Combat Axe 2 (STR)S
Thrusting Point 0 (STR+2)M
Pole Arm 2 (STR+3)S
Staff 2 (STR+2)M Stun
Club 1 (STR+1)M Stun
Sap 0 (STR+2)M Stun
Stun Baton 1 6S Stun
Handblade 0 (STR+3)L
Hand Razor 0 (STR)L
Improved Hand Razor 0 (STR+2)L
Spurs 0 (STR)M
Shock Glove 0 (STR-1)M + 7S Stun
Unarmed 0 (STR)M Stun
Plastic Bone Lacing 0 (STR+2)M
Aluminum Bone Lacing 0 (STR+3)M
Titanium Bone Lacing 0 (STR+4)M
Whip 2 (STR)L
Monofilament Whip 2 10S


Shock Weapons pg 124
Stunned # of turns= Power of attack � (Impact armor)/2 rounded down � (WILpower test vs 4)
Shocked = +2TN mod

Knockdown Table pg 124

Knockdown Test 
Body Test vs � power of attack (ranged attack)
Body Test vs oppon. STR. (melee attack)
see Knockdown table
Wound Level Minimum Successes Needed To Not Get Knocked Down
Light 2
Moderate 3
Serious 4
Deadly NA

Wound Table pg 126

TEST: heal without medical attention
Natural Body test against number
No successes = medical attention required.
First aid and magical healing should be performed prior to this test.
Wound Level Target Number
Light 2
Moderate 4
Serious 6

Barrier Ratings / Effect  pg 124

Barrier Rating Table
Material Rating
Standard Glass 2
Cheap material/Regular Tires 3
Average Material/Ballistic Glass 4
Heavy Material 6
Reinforced/Armored Glass 8
Structural Material 12
Heavy Structural Material 16
Armored/Reinforced Material 24
Hardened Material 32
Barrier Rating X 2 except against 
Elemental Manipulation Spells
Barrier Effect Table
Power of Attack Effect
Power less than 1/2 adjusted Barrier Rating no effect, barrier holds, minor cosmetic damage
Power equal to or greater than 1/2 adjusted Barrier Rating Barrier damaged, reduce Barrier Rating by 1
Power greater than adjusted Barrier Rating For every increment equal to half the Barrier Rating by which the Power exceeds that rating, a 1/2 meter hole is opened and the Barrier Rating is reduced by 1.


First Aid Table pg 129 (Biotech)
Damage Level Target Number Treatment Time
Light 4 5 Combat Turns
Moderate 6 10 Combat Turns
Serious 8 15 Combat Turns
Deadly 10 Special
Target Number Modifiers
Patient is awakened +2
Bad conditions +1
Terrible conditions +3
Patient's Body Attribute
1-3 +0
4-6 -1
7-9 -2
10 or more -3
No medkit available +4


Doctoring Table pg 128
Situation Modifier
Intensive Care (Hospital only) -2
Long-Term Medical Care -2
Conditions (only one applies)
   Not in hospital or clinic +2
   Bad conditions +3
   Terrible conditions +4
Patient is a magician +2
Patient's natural body attribute
   1-3 +0
   4-6 -1
   7-9 -2
   10 or more -3
Patient's natural Willpower attribute
   1-3 +0
   4-6 -1
   7-9 -2
  10 or more -3
* not including magical spell-based
or cybernetic modifications

Healing Table pg 127

Damage Level Base Time Min. time Target Number Min Lifestyle
Light 24 hours 2 hours 4 Low
Moderate 10 days 1 day 6 Middle
Serious 20 days 2 days 8 High
Deadly 30 days 3 days 10 Hospitalized
Deadly wounds and Permanent Damage see page 127

Medical Cost Table pg 128

Service Cost
Paramedic first aid for:
  Deadly wound 400�
  Serious wound 200�
  Moderate wound 100�
  Light wound 50�
Doctor's services for:
  Deadly wound 400�/day
  Serious wound 200�/day
  Moderate wound 100�/day
  Light wound 50�/day
Hospitalization lifestyle
  (includes doctor's services) 500�/day
  Intensive care
  (Deadly wound only) 1000�/day


Exclusive Actions Table pg 162

Sorcery Exclusive Spellcasting pg 180
Casting a Spell for a Sustaining Focus pg 190
Conjuring Summoning pg 186
Calling Elementals pg 186
Controlling pg 189
Banishing pg 189
Other Engaging or Ending Astral Projection pg 172

Noticing Spellcasting Modifiers Table pg 162

 Perception Test = 4 + MAG � Force of Spell being cast

Situation Modifier
Observer is awakened -2
Observer is astrally perceiving -2
Shamanic mask is visible -2
Shaman performing magic with a Totem advantage -1
Magician casting a fetish limited spell -1

Notes pg 166

Shamanic Lodge 500 nuyen * Force rating  / Force number of days to build  / can learn up to Force level spells
Hermetic Libraries Cost = rating * rating * 1000 nuyen / MP = rating * rating * 100 / Online at 10 or 12 * 100 nuyen /hour
Hermetic circle Time to draw = Force level * hours

PHYSAD Attribute Drain Table

TN = 1/2 Base Attr
Boosted Attribute Rating is: Drain Level
Less than or equal to Racial Max. Limit L
Up to Racial Attribute Maximum M
Up to 2x Racial Modified Limit S

PHYSAD Combat Sense Table

Level Combat Pool Usable Pool Dice for Reaction Test
1 1 1/4
2 2 1/2
3 3 Full

Permanent Spell Base Time pg 178

Drain Level Time Required
Light 5 Turns
Moderate 10 Turns
Serious 15 Turns
Deadly 20 Turns

Detection Spell Target Numbers pg 192

Subject: Target Number
Target is in sight of the caster 4
Target is out of sight of the caster 6
Target is on a different plane 10
Target is behind an astral barrier +Force

Detection Spell Results

Successes Results
1 Only general knowledge, no details
2 Detail information, but some minor parts are inaccurate
3 All details are accurate but minor parts are obscure or missing
4 Accurate and detailed information

Mind Probe Results Table pg 193

Successes Effect
1-2 The subject can read the target's surface thoughts
3-4 The subject can find out anything that the target consciously knows and view the targets memories
5-6 The subject can probe the target's subconscious, gaining information the target may no even be consciously aware of such as psychological quirks, deep fears and hidden memories


Astral Perception
Simple action to extend perceptions
Free action to see spirits, barriers, etc.

Assensing pg 171  / Intelligence test vs 4

Astral Projection
Astral STR = CHR
Astral QCK = INT
Astral BOD = WIL
Astral REA = INT + 20
Astral Senses pg 173
Abstract info (writing) carry their emotional intent.  Sounds work normally.
Astral Movement= MAG * 1000 km /hour
Astral Detection
Perception (10) test /  If subject is Awakened �2TN# / If subject is capable of astral perception �2TN#.

While you were out�. Astral Projection

Lose 1 point of ESS per hour, if ESS = 0 � you die
Moved Body Test
    Location test:  WIL test (4)
    Time = 6 hours / # of successes

Astral Barrier pg 174 / Spells cast thru add Force of Barrier to TN of spell

Astral Ward pg 174
  Max area: MAG x 50 cubic meters
  Force = hours to create
  Test: = Force, successes = numbers of weeks it lasts
  Perm: cost = Force in karma

Astral evasion pg 176  Opposed test using MAG, each add�l pursuer adds +1

Astral tracking pg 177  Astral perception test (4), time = 6 hours /successes. If longer, see rulebook

SORCERY pg 177

  1. Preparation (choose spell, Force, pool dice, targets, etc)
    1. +2 TN for each simultaneous spell
  2. Spell Targeting (might require a perception test)
  3. Sorcery test (Sorcery + Spell pool) TN
  4. Spell Resistance test (Target ATTR vs Spell Force)
  5. Spell Effect (net successes determine outcome)
  6. Drain Resistance test (Willpower + Spell pool vs spell�s Drain Code)
    1. TN# = Force/2 (rounded down) + any Drain Modifier
    2. If Force > MAG then damage is physical.
    3. Each spell sustained adds +2 to the Power of the Drain

Elemental Manipulation spells may be Dodged.

Spell Defense pg 183

  1. Allocate Sorcery dice for Spell Defense
  2. Range = MAG * 100 m, same plane (astral or physical)
  3. Max # of protected subjects = Sorcery Skill Rating
  4. Spell defense is voluntary
  5. To �block�: Use allocated Spell Defense Dice vs TN#(Force of spell)
  6. Spell Defense successes >= Incoming Spell successes = spell failure

 Dispel pg 184

  1. Dispelling Test = Sorcery Skill + Spell Pool vs Spell�s Force
  2. each success reduces the original�s spell successes by one
  3. When original�s spells successes = 0 or threshold level, spell is dispelled.
  4. After each Dispel Test, mage has to Drain Resistance test vs the original spell�s level
  5. If Force >MAG then damage is physical.


  1. Determine Force of spirit
    1. Cannot summon spirit > 2*MAG Force
  2. Determine domain / element
    1. If elemental, mage must have library of correct element and force level, force = # hours conjuring
  3. Conjuring test: (Conjuring Dice + Spirit Focii only) vs Force of spirit
  4. Each success represent one service
  5. Drain Resistance Test: see table for Damage level . (CHR + Spirit Focii) vs Force
  6. If mage is knocked unconscious:
    1. Nature spirits departs
    2. Elemental make Force(6) test, one success = leaves, otherwise it goes on a rampage attacking the nearest living beings.

Conjuring Drain pg 187

Spirit's Force is: Drain Level (Stun Damage)
1/2 conjurer's CHR or less L
Conjurer's CHR or less M
Greater than the conjurer's CHR S
greater than 1.5 the conjurer's CHR D


 Nature spirit services pg 186

  1. Calling nature spirit is Simple action
  2. In astral, spirit can only affect astral forms or summoner. Only in physical form can spirit effect others.

 Elemental Services pg 187 (range = (WIL + MAG + CHR) * 10 meters)

  1. Aid Sorcery (Each force level used = 1 die but reduces elemental by one)
    1. Can be used as Spell Defense
    2. Fire elemental aids Combat spells
    3. Air elemental aids Detection Spells
    4. Water elemental aids Illusion Spells
    5. Earth elemental aids Manipulation Spells
  2. Aid Study (extra dice to help mages learn spells)
  3. Physical Service
  4. Spell Sustaining (maintain the spell for one combat turn for each point of its Force)
  5. Remote Service (can leave range but this is the only service performed)

 Spirits have the power �Immunity to Normal Weapons� Armor = 2 * Force against normal weapons.

 Spirit Combat pg 188

  1. Initiative = 1D6 + 20 (Astral), Initiative = 1D6 + 10 + REA (Physical)
  2. Astral to Physical takes two Initiative turns
  3. Opposing elementals DL + 1 level

Controlling Spirits pg 189

  1. Exclusive Complex action
  2. Both mages make a conjuring test but controller may add CHR dice vs. Force of spirit.
  3. Count successes:
    1. Challenger wins, 1 service / 1 net success, both mages make Drain Resistance test
    2. Controller wins, nothing changes and challenger must make Drain Resistance test.
    3. No successes, both check for Drain, elemental becomes uncontrolled, nature spirit vanishes
  4. To gain control of Uncontrolled elemental, make Banish test, if successful, spirit is bound for one service.  Add�l services make a conjuring test.

Banish Spirits pg 189

  1. Conjure test vs Force of spirit, Spirit makes Force test vs mage�s MAG
  2. Each net success reduces either Spirit�s Force or mage�s MAG by one
  3. winner decides if another round will occur.
  4. Repeat until 0:
    1. Force = 0 spirit is destroyed,
    2. MAG = 0 mage takes Deadly Stun damage  and checks for perm. MAG loss pg 160

Running the Shadows

Complimentary skills such as Stealth(Awareness) may be added to Perception tests.


Electric Fence pg 234 / 4D Stun, must make a WIL or BOD(6) test to remove hands from fence.

Wire Table pg 234

Wire Type

Perception Target

Damage Grab/Walking/Run

Barrier Rating













Fence Perception Modifiers



Obscured by brush

+1 to +4

Character distracted/running


Illumination level fluctuates

Add +1 to mod of worst level

Technical Security

Surveillance Cameras
Door & Window Alarms Perception test (8) to locate contacts (Electronics B/R Comp Skill) / Electronics test vs rating of system
Motion sensors Within 5m, � m per combat turn can defeat� Opposed Stealth (Sensor Rating) test.

Maglocks pg 235


        Remove the casing: Electronics B/R test vs TN# rating, time = 60 sec / successes -1

        Circuit tampering:  Resolve a standard Electronics (System Rating), time = 60 seconds / successes �1.  A sequencer may be used instead.  Opposed test between the Sequencer and Maglock ratings


        Remove the casing: Electronics test vs 2 * rating of cardreader

        Circuit tampering: Resolve a standard Electronics (System Rating +2), time = 60 seconds / successes �1.

        Or use Maglock Passkey: Opposed test between passkey and maglock

Print Scanners

        See keypads but use +4 instead.

        Actual fingers, etc have rating of 8

        Phony prints possible

        Opposed test for fake prints: one success for scanner = passive alert

Voice Recognition Systems Opposed tests between VRS and Deception gear.

Active Security Measures pg 236

Automatic Gun Systems

Dumb: (equiv to HK227 FA)
   60 Degree arc: Skill Rating 4
  60-120 Degree arc: Skill Rating 3
  120-180 degree arc: Skill Rating 2
Smart: Skill Rating 6,  INIT: 25+2D6
 Mounted on tripod (6 pts RC)
  Lowlight, thermo-graphic, ultrasound targeting & tracking
  Five 3 round bursts per action.
  Engage multiple targets within one action
  Can delay actions
  Built around assault rifle or LMG
  1000 round bin

Weapon Detection pg 237

Automatic Systems
  Rating(Concealability) Success Test
  Any successes sets it off.
  Conceal: 8 for MAD system.

Manual Detection




Searcher Level of professionalism


  Average/Amateur (Pro Rating 1 pg 248)


  Semi-Trained (Pro Rating 2)


  Trained or better (Pro Rating 3 or 4)


Time spent on search


  Cursory (very quick 1-2 seconds)


  Brisk (fast pat down 3-5 seconds)


  Standard (6-20 seconds)


  Detailed (21-60 seconds)


  Deliberate (1-2 minutes)


  Practically a fraggin strip search (3-5 min)


  Strip Search (6-10 minutes)

Weapon found

Searcher is:


  Intimidated / Fearful


  Working under normal conditions


  In complete control



 Cyberware detection
Typically rating 3-9
TN# for regular Cyberware = 3
TN# for alpha cyberware = 6
More successes = more detail on type/number
Conceal: builtin architecturally scanner = 8
Handheld models avail.

Fencing the Loot pg 237

Etiquette(Street) test vs 4
Time : 10 days / successes
 Each Day, # days looking vs TN6, success means found by bad guys





Using a regular contact


Disposing of standard gear


Disposing of high tech or important loot


Disposing of hot loot


While being sought by the police


While being sought by corp. or org. crime


Magical loot (focuses, spell form. Etc)


Fence has (2D6 + allocated successes from above )* 100,000 nuyen
Negotiation skill vs (WillPower +2), both sides.
Value of loot = 30% + (5% per extra success)

Credsticks pg 139

 Lifestyles pg 239

LIFESTYLES cost (nuyen) pg 239


100,000 /month & up


10,000 /month


5,000 / month


1,000 / month


100 / month


0 / month


500 / day basic, 1000 / day intensive

 Keeping up the payments : page 240

 Diseases and Toxins pg 249


Neuro-Stun VIII
Damage: 6S Stun, Speed: 1 combat turn
Gas or on contact.  Even resisted, adds +2TN
Damage: 6D Stun     Speed: Immediate
Injected or touch.  No side effects
Damage: 10D Stun     Speed: Immediate
Injected.  Deadly = paralyzed. Otherwise, lasts an hour.  Adds as appro TN number mod. / WIL �2 for an extra hour.
Fugu family
Damage: version 5= 3D, 6=6D, 8=8D            Speed: Instantaneous
Injected or eaten. 


Damage: 6D            Speed: 12 hours
Aerosol virus.  Sweating, chills, fever, and vomiting until damage is reduced to light.

Contacts pg 253

Legwork: Listen around adds +2TN and 2D6 Hours / successes

Searching the matrix: 2D6 hours /successes

Weight pg 274

No appreciable effort STR x 5 kg No movement penalty
Light Stun Wound STR x 10kg and carried for BOD combat turns No movement penalty
Moderate Stun Wound STR x 15 kg and carried for BOD combat turns cannot run, movement halved
Seriout Stun Wound STR x 20 kg and carried for BOD combat turns exhausted, cannot run, movement quartered
Lifting (STR+D6) x 20 kg and lifted BOD combat turns holding longer addt'l light stun wound